Tag: Millennials

Middle-age diseases in millennials? MakatiMed explains causes, solutions
Face it: We’re getting old!

THROWBACK: 5 Reasons why recess time used to be our favorite ‘school subject’
Remember when you used to write “Recess” as a fave subject in an autograph book?

The new GINeration: This ‘inuman’ staple screams ‘I’m hip and young’ all over!
Let’s not talk about your dad’s drink this time.

ALTHEA ANGEL INTEL: How to use Real Fresh Skin Detoxer 10-second wash-off mask
This will be available on Althea starting August 2018!

Throwback: Before mobile dating apps, there’s this thing we call ‘blind dates’
A peek at the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of this practice.

Featured Millennials: World Champion Dance Crew A-TEAM Joins Growing EXTRA BASS Family
Ready to know more about this month’s featured millennials?

OPPO’s ‘Youth’ is yours: New phone features and PH launch date
The Selfie Expert is set to launch a new smartphone experience specifically for younger audiences.

Featured Millennial: Pre-school teacher leaps into World of Tech through online learning
Here’s how online education helped a millennial teacher.

Lamudi’s advice to Filipino millennials? It’s a great time to invest in your own property.
Adulting 101: Reasons why it’s better to own than to rent a place.