Tag: Address

A peek inside Under Armour’s newest ‘brand house’ in SM Southmall
Southies, rejoice! UA is heeeere!

What it’s like to have your wisdom teeth removed in your late 20’s
Got my third molars removed at Variahealth, QC!

A look inside Pretty Bubble Boutique: New premium pet boutique in BGC
South Korean pet boutique now in the PH!

Getting rid of crow’s feet, smile lines with the help of botolinium toxin (a.k.a. Botox)
Sharing my Botox experience at Variahealth!

5 Things you shouldn’t miss at Fantastic Chef Famous Unli Korean BBQ (3+1 FREE promo included)
When we’re not into K-Beauty, we’re digging in K-BBQ!

Restaurant Depot: Where you can shop or have other people shop for you!
Here’s something you should know now that they’re celebrating their 1st anniversary.

UPSIDE DOWN MUSEUM: 7 tips to nail your topsy-turvy photos, what to expect, how much to pay
Ready to defy gravity?

Spongebob’s Pretty Patties are real and here’s where you can find them
Colored burgers? They’re right here in Makati!

The kids-at-heart are all flocking to the biggest ball pit in Manila!
Coffee and play? Do both at Ball Pit Manila

Confessions of a ‘Sweet Ecstasy’ customer from the Metro
Review: It’s simply addicting. You should try it, too!