BingoPlus Foundation, iACADEMY in search for 10 scholarship grantees and here’s how you can apply

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” This quote from Malcolm X is one of my favorites when it comes to education. It speaks volume of how education plays a vital role in our future and just like getting physical passports, education also requires enough finances. Luckily, foundations like BingoPlus – one of the country’s live streaming and bingo game operators, in partnership with iACADEMY, are now offering scholarships to help those who are financially challenged. As of this writing, they have yet to select 10 deserving college students who will be granted full college scholarships through the FutureSmart Scholarship Program.

BingoPlus Foundation is an active supporter of environmental and charitable projects and their scholarship grant is just one of the many ways that they’re giving back to the country for the success that they have been receiving. This year’s grant is just the first out of the many programs under their three-year partnership with iACADEMY. A scholarship at iACADEMY is also no small feat as the school has been recognized as one of the most sought-after institutions in the field of design and technology. Their tuition fee is also as premium as their curriculum!


Having been able to witness a relative and a close friend’s educational journey within iACADEMY, I can say that it’s definitely worth it – especially if you’re a scholar. Not a lot of institutions in the Philippines offer topnotch game or software engineering courses at affordable prices. iACADEMY specializes in design and technology-related programs and they have already been recognized numerous times for it.

iACADEMY is also at a very accessible location in Metro Manila, right at the heart of Makati City. Definitely a safe space for students. 


If you’re an incoming college freshman who needs financial assistance and is planning to take either Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with specialization is Software Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing Game Development, or Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with specialization in Web Development, here’s what you need to do:

1. Ensure that you obtain a GWA not lower than 1.75 and no grade lower than 2.50 in any subject

2. Possess good moral character and have no record of disciplinary action from the school (academically or administratively)

3. Carry the regular load prescribed by the course.


Prior application, make sure to prepare the following requirements:

  • Letter of intent detailing why you’re applying for the scholarship program
  • Certified true copy of previous grades covering SY 2021 – 2022
  • Recommendation letter from guidance counselor or faculty
  • Certificate of good moral character
  • Income Tax Return (IT) or BIR Certification of Exemption from Filing IT if unemployed (To be provided by parents/guardian)
  • Certificate of Employment (COE) stating the following: position in the company and monthly Salary (To be provided by parents/guardian)
  • A two-minute video pitching expressing your willingness and plans on how you can give back to society or the country.


If you feel like you meet the qualifications, go for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by sending your application via A representative will get back to you regarding the status of your application on or before the announcement of chosen scholars in February 2023.

Deadline of submission is on January 13, 2023 so you still have time to gather all necessary requirements!

Know someone who might be interested to apply? Send them this link or tag them under our Facebook post. Cheers to more opportunities this 2023! Thank you to BingoPlus Foundation for helping students’ dreams come true.

For updates on our latest discoveries within (and outside) the Metro, don’t forget to follow Manila Millennial on FacebookYouTube, or Instagram. Keep safe, everyone!

5 Replies to “BingoPlus Foundation, iACADEMY in search for 10 scholarship grantees and here’s how you can apply”

  1. Thank you for sharing this
    This is very helpful sa mga student na gusto mag apply an scholarship
    Para matupad ang kanilang pangarap na makapagtapos ng pag aaral

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